Global Environmwent and Its Dynamics


02 October, Comments and Questions

  1. I haven't recognized people as environment, but after listening the lecture, I understand the definition. In Japanese, there is only on word for environment. However, there are few ways to interpret.
  2. 資料を見る限りでは,巨大大陸は時間がたつにつれて細分化されているが,なぜ合体することなく分割される一方だったんですか.
  3. The story of the earth is big scale. You mentioned the deepest drill record is 12 km. So, I wonder how scientists could understand the earth's structure.
  4. I learned that the earthquake are happened between hard areas but if the Earth would be made by only mantle not hard areas, do earthquakes happen? I think earthquakes may not happen, but people can't build buildings if the Earth would be made by only mantle.
  5. I understand the earthquakes happen on the plate, but how the earthquakes happened at the places where it were not on the plate?
  6. I want to know how fast each plates move.
  7. I heard the meaning of "Dynamics" for the first time in this class, and I understood that "Dynamics" is related to the Earth's great evolution or movement.
  8. I studied basic earth science in high school, but learning it in English is fresh for me, and it is interesting.
  9. It's my first time to see the material of the Earth. There are different colors. I think it' amazing.
  10. The crust where is hard can have the earthquakes the mantle.
  11. I have had an image that core is very hard. But I learned outer core is liquid. I'm surprised.
  12. In Japan, natural disasters happen frequently. So we Japanese often worry about that. But are the ways of thinking against natural disasters different between us and people who live in the area where is no natural disasters?
  13. Thank you for your class. In fact, content of this class is different from my major, but it's good opportunity to learn new things. I enjoy taking this class.
  14. マントルの外側がhardで地殻もhardならば,マントルと地殻の違いはどう決めたのか疑問に思った.

09 October, Comments and Questions

  1. The squeezing between plates can cause volcanic eruptions and the earthquakes, so when do the volcanic eruptions happen and when do the earthquakes happen, what are the difference.
  2. Thank you for using my drawing.
  3. Last week, I had come to the cause and submitted this paper (without punching student card), and I just registed this course after last week's course, so I want to know if last time will be a absent and if it will impact the final score.
  4. Thank you for good lecture!
  5. I want to make it sure that Pangaea seemed to be diversing, however, on the opposite side of the earth, it's approaching. Is it right?
  6. When mountains are made, does the plate move like or?
  7. 津波が発生する地震と,しない地震とでは何が違うのか疑問に思いました.
  8. In today's class, I know the contin can move on the seafloor and two types of tectonic plate. I think the cars example is easily for me to understand.
  9. You mentioned that Pacific plate and Phil. plate slightly move per year, so someday do continents be bonded again? I agree with your opinion that geology is related with every fields because natural disasters are no longer problems which everyone should think about.
  10. You said like this "Foreigners can enjoy earthquakes in Japan". However, I think that remark is rude to people who died because of disasters.
  11. I understand why only continents flow but oceanic plates stay.
  12. So continental tectonic plate means lithosphere? And you said lithosphere is hard, but oceanic plates are sinking into asthenosphere, so isn't it "really" hard?
  13. I love the example of chocolate and biscuits. It was easy to understand.
  14. When I was in high school, I didn't understand why oceanic plates sink into under the continent plate, but now I understand by seeing the example of water, paper, and the light thing.

23 October, Comments and Questions

  1. Thanks to your drawing. I can understand easier. Thank you.
  2. Plate motion will be more faster? You said the plate which have already more inside asthenosphere is faster. This means "Yes" or may question?
  3. I know how the ocean shaped for the first time, and I have a question. Why the ocean could be on magma? I think the water (rain) is dewatered before it reaches to the ground.
  4. Is the theory that the moon came from Earth officially accepted?
  5. プレ−トが移動しているならば,移動している方の反対側にはその内すき間ができるのでは?
  6. I learned the history of Earth and the most interesting thing I think is moon is a part of the Earth.
  7. The figures you drew were easy to understand.
  8. I can understand why tectonic plates move on the asthenosphere.
  9. Why does not the African Plate move?

30 October, Comments and Questions

  1. 1. The most interesting things I learned today is P-wave and S-wave have 13 sec different.
  2. I need more explanations about mountain buildings.
  3. I've never heard T-wave before.
  4. How many the earthquake/tsunamis are happened when the both plates are interaction with each other? (Note: destruction of rock areas appear)
  5. Do the three wave (P, S, T) depend on the magnitude? Ex) magnitude 3.0, 7.0, 9.0
  6. Why does the S-wave is the most powerful / main wave?
  7. 首都直下地震は内陸直下型ですか?
  8. It's easy to understand in this kind of teaching way, thank you.
  9. I can't understand offshore type, why are that type of earthquakes occurred?
  10. In the whole Japan still located on the Asia-European Plate? Is a part of Japan located on the North American Plate? Where is the boundary of the Asia-European Plate and North American Plate?
  11. Sorry teacher, it's difficult for me to read the English you wrote. Could you write more clearly?
  12. Thanks to your drawing, I can understand something quickly by seeing the draw.
  13. Whether the Tohoku Earthquake is related to the collision of the Asia-Pacific Plate.
  14. My hometown will be affected by Nankai Earthquake, so I hope the system for earthquake prediction develop better than it is now.
  15. Is there some cases that plate completely collapse when offshore type happens.
  16. Today I have known the type of earthquake through your explain, thank you sensei.

Comments and Questions (13 Nov. '19)

  1. I'm surprised that Tohoku earthquake is the biggest earthquake in Japan.
  2. I wonder what is the reason many people dies or not at almost same magnitude.
  3. Thank you very much for this lecture.
  4. I learned "tidal wave" has same meaning of tsunami which word is used by most people?
  5. I could recognize the mechanism of Tsunami. I get really afraid of Tsunami again.
  6. It's interesting to get that v=√gh. I maybe use it to calculate the wave speed someday.
  7. How big the tsunami was?
  8. In today class, I learned the tsunami is wave, but it moves like current.
  9. 津波の平均の高さはどのくらいですか?4000mは恐ろしいです.
  10. 多くの地震のデータがありますが,これらから地震を予期することは可能でしょうか.また,予測できるとしたら何を用意すれば良いでしょうか.
  11. Thank you for your explanation. I really enjoy in this class.
  12. To avoid death by earthquakes, we should understand what kinds of death are caused by different types of earthquakes.
  13. I hope to learn what triggers a dormant volcano.

Comments and Questions (20 Nov. '19)

  1. 日本海での津波は実際に地震から来る波と中国の大陸からの反射の波で,高い波が来るということだが,能登半島から反射した波が中国へ到達して波を高くすることはないのですか?(The tsunamis in the Sea of Japan are a combination of actual waves from the epicentre and a wave reflected from the continent of China, thus high waves will arrive. However, waves reflected from the Noto Peninsula will reach China and make it higher isn't it?)
  2. ニュースなどを見ていると,ある地域ではひんぱんに火山の噴火が起きているようですが,そのような地域でも暮らしていけるのでしょうか.(Looking at the news, it seems that there are frequent volcanic eruptions in certain areas. Can local people manage their life in such areas?)
  3. 日本海で起こる津波は反射や屈折のため複雑になるということでしたが,能登半島のようにとび出ている地形よりも富山湾のような入り込んだ地形のほうが被害は大きくなりやすいですか.(The tsunamis that occur in the Sea of Japan are complicated because of reflections and refractions. Is the damage high to occur in the bay areas such as Toyama Bay than the peninsula areas such as the Noto Peninsula?)
  4. Your explanation using coke made it easy to understand. Thank you.
  5. I found today's class very useful for people like me in Japan. The example of coca cola was really interesting and that made me understand about volcanic eruption well. Thank you.
  6. I can know the volcanic very clearly by you using the cola. It's good example.
  7. I have known the creation of the volcanoes. Thank you so much for today.
  8. What is biological damage at vapors?
  9. It's easy to understand. Thank you!
  10. Volcanoes eruption is horrible. Is Japan has many volcanoes? Are they near to Kanazawa?
  11. Thank you very much for the lecture.

Comments and Questions (27 Nov. '19)

  1. At first of all, thank you very much for explanation this phenomens. Is there, in Japan, an example of super volcano like a Yellow Stone in America?
  2. I didn't know that the sea which surrounds Sakurajima was once a caldera called Aira Caldera.
  3. Thank you very much for the lecture.
  4. Because the Mount Fuji is active mountain, so do you think is safety for M. Fuji to become a tourist place?
  5. Thank you for the lecture.
  6. thought I need to know the situation of the land where I live now.

Comments and Questions (18 Dec. `19)

  1. Thank you for the lecture! It was a vary interesting, but I don't have any special questions and comments.
  2. I was surprised that there are so many ways to generate energies. I firstly know the existence of tidal energy and ocean thermal energy convection in this lecture.
  3. Why some countries never accept the limiting of the use of fossil fuels?
  4. I was surprised at the amount of energy we are using. Is it possible that sustainable energy resources completely take place of fossil fuel?
  5. I needed more explanations about what peat and natural bitumen are.
  6. I've never heard of the word like "ocean thermal energy convection" or "peat". I hope I can lean them in the class.
  7. Thank you for your lecture.
  8. We have too many resource energy. So, in your opinion which one that has more effective and why?
  9. I like professor's paint and pronunciation. It's very easy to understand.
  10. In my hometown, we also use coal as energy to warm in winter but I don't know how coal appear. I learnt in today. I think it's interesting.

Comments and Questions (8 Jan. '20)

  1. It is very interesting class. I can understand about coal and oil. The mechanism to get oil is very interesting.
  2. The concepts of sustainable energy and fossil fuel which are distinguished by solar power are very interesting.
  3. Thank you for your lecture. I was very interested to learn more about oil that I usually use casually.
  4. I was surprised that coal layer is very thin.
  5. I did not know that oil is so easy to use.
  6. 石油とガスと水が三層にわかれて存在していることに,長年の石油発掘の疑問が晴れました.(The existence of oil, gas, and water in three layers has solved my question of oil discovery for many years.)
  7. I understand the specialities of coal as solid and oil as liquid.
  8. Why it's difficult to obtain the shale oil in part.
  9. I did not know that US has so much coal. I wonder if there is any natural resources available in Japan.
  10. Thank you for the lecture. You explained crude oil can be changed by boiling and petrol is ガソリン(gasoline) in Japanese. However, how do we distinguish between ハイオク(premium petrol/ gasoline) and レギュラー(regular petrol/gasoline)?
  11. Thank you for your lecture.

Comments and Questions (15 Jan. '20)

  1. I know much methane hydrate exists around Japan, but I didn't know it has many unsolved problems.
  2. Today's lecture was very wonderful.
  3. Thank you for your lecture. Up to now, I've only been thinking about energy issues in terms of the environment, but I think I will be able to think of them in many ways.
  4. I didn't know that methane was so dangerous. When we use methane gas in our daily life? I don't come up with the situations that I use it.
  5. I could know about shale oil.
  6. You said when methane hydrate becomes gas, it has greenhouse effect. Dose this mean that much greenhouse gas is produced if we burn methane hydrate?
  7. Thank you for your lecture.
  8. Thank you for your lecture. I could understand some of fossil fuels, especially "oil shale oil", thanks to you.
  9. Thank you for giving a lecture. Are there any possibility to use methane hydrate instead of oils?
  10. Thank you for your lecture.

Comments and Questions (22 Jan. '20)

  1. I understood the mechanism of geothermal energy production.
  2. It was interesting that most recyclable energy produced heat first by wind, sun and so on to let the turbine move.
  3. Thank you for today's lecture. I'm interested in this theme.
  4. Thank you for your lecture. I am glad to know how the natural energy electric generation system is.
  5. Thank you for giving lecture.
  6. You explained and wrote that less energy production is advantage of wind energy in the black board. I think it is disadvantage as same as hydropower.
  7. I didn't know Ocean Thermal Energy Convection System of recyclable resources is so interested. .
  8. Il y a l'energie geothermique a Kanazawa?
  9. I knew tidal energy before, but I don't know how it' work. I learned today. Thank you.
  10. I did not know the ethanol has two types, liquid and gas.
  11. Do you think is it possible for solar power energy and other ecofriend energy to become stable by technology?
  12. I am really excited to know the mechanical of the recycle energy and advantage and disadvantage.
  13. Thank you for your lecture.