Global Environmwent and Its Dynamics


4 October, Comments and Questions

  1. Comments and Questions (04 Oct. '23)
  2. How did researchers find that the mantle is at 6,000 C?
  3. I understood why Japan is an earthquake - prone country. I was also surprised that earthquakes do not occur in some parts of the world such as Africa, South America and the upper part of Russia. 3. As a question, have there been no earthquakes in these areas since the earth was formed?
  4. Why do earthquakes occur inside Africa where the plates do not overlap?
  5. Granite and basalt seems hard.
  6. Is there a temperature effect on the movement of the continents?
  7. Why is there a difference of weight between continental plates and oceanic plates?

11 October, Comments and Questions

  1. Thank you for such an opportunity to see untouched nature! It was really great and mentally relaxing.
  2. We should walk every lectures please!
  3. Did the cherry blossoms on the street exist even before the university was established.
  4. I've learnt about / / this plates' movement seriously but today you didn't mention it so much, which made me surprised.
  5. I would like to see cherry blossoms here next spring!!
  6. Last week, I misunderstood table cloth model. Thank you for advising me.
  7. No question.
  8. Is the ocean plates thinner than the continental plate?

18 October, Comments and Questions

  1. I know that.seismograph is a device that can measure an earthquake. My question is how a seismograph can measure the earthquake?
  2. You said that continental plates maintain a permanent but can plates merge together into one and from an entirely new plate? Or do they just become two plates just rearrange differently?
  3. It was found that many natural environments such as clouds, rain and magma were involved in the generation of plates.
  4. I didn't know that there are a circulation system under the ground!

1 November, Comments and Questions

  1. My understanding of earthquakes has deepened. Once again, I felt that Japan has a lot of them.
  2. Is there a real - life condition of this faults on the same time?
  3. I think we have to prepare for earthquake as long as we live in Japan.
  4. At 2011/3/9, is there Tohoku earthquake foreshock?
  5. T波の存在について初めて知りました.どのようなものかもう少しくわしく知りたいです.また,F波(Fourth)以降は存在しますか.

8 November, Comments and Questions

  1. I lived in Kansai area and my family have lived for years, so I'm worried about Nakai earthquake.
  2. What is the shallowest depth a tsunami has ever been recorded at?
  3. What is relatively safe area in terms of less earthquake.
  4. Are there any places in Japan that do not have faults or are not negatively affected (like tsunami) by earthquakes?
  5. Height: Tohoku > Nankai, distance: Tohoku < Nankai, which is danger? speed or distance epi centre
  6. In the near future, it has been found that an earthquake in Nankai could occur ever wide area on the Pacific side.
  7. I believe that many Japanese people including me know that Nankai Earthquake will happen someday in the future, but we're just lazy or too busy to prepare for it in our daily lives. However, I really think we should take it into consideration seriously…
  8. Is there only AI or technologies which can predict directions of tsunamis, which will be caused by Nankai Earthquake at Osaka or Nagoya?

22 November, Comments and Questions

  1. Can we run away from explosion like the video which we watched in class?
  2. I know very little about volcanoes, but I was able to organize and understand them specifically with diagrams.
  3. What is the relationship between onsen and volcanoes? I'm also interested in geothermal electric power generation.
  4. I think ash flow is really dangerous because when it happens, people cannot escape.
  5. Is it possible to predict whether these volcanic disasters happen?
  6. We have to be on guard and prepare for not only earthquake but also eruption.
  7. In this morning, I saw the news that 60 % of people in Kanto region can't get supplies if Mt. Fuji erupt, so we have to store necessary food and drinking water.
  8. As you said, Japan doesn't have too thin and high skyscreepers because of earthquakes, which means that earthquakes have an influence on people's idea of construction.
  9. I know there are many small scale volcanoes in Japan, but are there any large type volcanoes?

29 November, Comments and Questions

  1. This lecture is very interesting for me because we learned about not only machanisms of earthquake, volcanoes and so on, but also those cases in Hokuriku areas and other areas in Japan. That's why I'll take this lecture in Q4 too.
  2. I was wondering whether these have been any recent instances of whiles towns being completely submerged in volcanic ash.
  3. I understood the system of earthquakes in Hokuriku. Also I found it interesting between Onsen and Volcano. I feel like to going to Onsen.
  4. I used be convinced that very few earthquakes had occurred in Hokuriku region in the past, but I learned in this class that's not the case.
  5. It turns out that there are so many active volcanoes in the Japanese archipelago and there are also Level 1 active volcanoes in the Hokuriku area. Volcanoes and earthquakes are so closely related that I thought I would prepare disaster prevention goods in case they erupt.
  6. I think it's very interesting that colors of stone are various depending on when it was generated.
  7. Thank you for the lectures. I learnt the tear of Japanese natures, but at the same time, the beauty of them because they might disappear suddenly at some point.

13 December, Comments and Questions

  1. You said we have a report in winter vacation. Please tell us what kind of report we should write if you already decided.
  2. I understand that there are many kinds of energy. "Coal" is very big part of today's energy, so we should know about "coal".
  3. I wonder how people going into the deep area of earth's strata bring back coal.
  4. It is interesting for me that all energies originally come from solar power.

20 December, Comments and Questions

  1. I think that gas or oil are used very much in our lives, for example, some stoves and cooking equipments. So it is important to know how to get these energy.
  2. Does natural gas and oil always occur when there are foldings?
  3. Plastic is made of oil, but how to make plastic from liquid?

27 December, Comments and Questions

  1. I think that it is important for us to know Biofuel have not only nice points but also very serious environmental problem.
  2. I'm looking forward to lean about resourceful energy next year.
  3. You told there are 4 kinds of biofuel. Which is the most used biofuel these days?
  4. I have an image that biofuel is sustainable energy, but I didn't know about it specifically, so today's lecture is very interesting for me.
  5. Have a happy new year!

17 January, Comments and Questions

  1. Regarding underground geothermal, I understand that the temperature of the groundwater is stable, but I didn't understand the illustration of the tubes that seem to be under the house. Dose that mean we usually use underground geothermal in our house?
  2. I did not know there were turbines inside dams. Everything makes sense now.
  3. My city also had its water cut off by the earthquake (2024/01/01), so the earthquake explanation was interesting.
  4. I can understand the summary of R6 Noto Hanto Earthquake and what happens in Noto Hanto after the big earthquake.
  5. I wanted you to explain Noto Earthquake today, so I'm glad to hear that.
  6. I didn't know that groundwater is such a useful thing to keep comfortable temperatures in our house.

31 January, Commwents and Questions

  1. Perhaps out of all the ways / alternatives we have to produce energy, which is the most used and which is the cheapest to build and maintain?
  2. I wonder whether the movement of plates can be used to generate energies.
  3. Every power generation systems have both advantages and disadvantages, so it is difficult to think about which way is the best, I think.
  4. Through today's lecture, I can understand the difference between tidal power and wave power.
  5. I found that those with stable energy supply are difficult to structure. I think more and more power should be made easy for people to adapt at home, like solar power, but will there be a way to generate power in the future that is simple in structure and stable in energy supply to make it easier to increase the number of power generations?

7 Febnuary, Commwents and Questions

  1. Thank you for your lectures.
  2. I can understand how important groundwater is. Thank you for teaching to this course lectures.
  3. I enjoyed this class very much! Thank you so much.
  4. All the lectures are very interesting for me, and I could learn about the mechanism of environments. Thank you so much.